Administration Palace (current Seat of the Provincial Government)

Administration Palace (current Seat of the Provincial Government)

Lichinga [Vila Cabral], Niassa, Mozambique

Equipment and Infrastructures

Project by João José Tinoco (1924-1983) and Maria Carlota Quintanilha (b. 1923). This was built between 1961 and 1968 near the central roundabout. It consists of two structures united by a trapezoidal passageway that achieves the formal conjunction of the two: the larger structure is used for the administrative functions of customer services; the smaller one includes the spaces kept for representation, in harmony with the nearby public square. Both rest upon pilotis, with oblique roofs and extensive use of grills for ventilation and sun protection, their functional and construction design, as well as their architectural style, showing a coherent fidelity to the tenets of the International Style and the repertoire of Brazilian modern architecture. It continues to be used as the seat of Niassa government.
